Saturday, May 5, 2012

Oranges and Lemons

Today, I was sitting on the bench with two friends of mine, laughing at some silly joke that we cracked. And while we were splitting into peals of laughter, a sudden feeling swept through me. A feeling which made me realize that this moment is fleeting away, and soon, all this will be in the past. A memory amongst all those other memories, like a book in a library. And I felt shaken from inside, the mere realization made me feel vulnerable. And my mind started wandering in different directions, lost and perplexed. I, at that very moment, realized that things were going to change.

That feeling when you realize things are going to change and nothing will be the same ever again. But then isn’t changing the law of nature – inevitable. Then why is it so difficult for us to accept it? Why do we try to stick to things even when we are already aware of the fact that nothing remains the same forever? And then, on the contrary, we like to believe in the saying “variety is the spice of life”. Shouldn’t that make it easier for us to accept and adapt to the changes. So where does this dilemma lead us?

According to me, it’s not the change that baffles people, but the uncertainty. The uncertainty whether the change will be for good or for bad. The brain, that is deliberated to think logically, comes up with plausible reasons for the change. But can one justify a change? One can never tell if a change is for good or bad, because I believe everything is relative. What may look bad in a certain situation can be the best that could have happened then, and vice versa. Perception varies for every individual.

So what can be the possible solution to this question? I’m reminded of one of my favorite quotes – “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” I find it very practical. Instead of thinking “why did I get lemons and not oranges?” one should make as much as lemonade he/she can. The lemons here being metaphor for opportunities. One should use the change as an opportunity to do things differently instead of thinking what changed and whether it was for the better or worse.  Because when life gives you lemons instead of oranges, you should make lemonade instead of thinking how different would things be, if you had the chance to make orange juice. Because lemons are lemons and oranges are oranges.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Memoirs of Mumbai

When I left home, I was a little sad, about the fact that I was going back to Bangalore. The three-day stay in Mumbai had been a great experience. The unhappy thought of leaving my brother, brought tears into my eyes as I got into the auto and headed towards the airport. My heart was crying on the inside, and it was difficult to the tame the overwhelming tide of emotions. I boarded the flight with a heavy heart and a sleepy head. After a few minutes’ wait, we were ready to take off. The Boeing took its position, all set to speed off. As the plane started racing on the track, I realized that I wasn’t excited at all. Although I’m prone to motion sickness, speed exhilarates me.

As we took off, everything started getting tinier, and all I could see was a window frame filled with buildings, tall and short. And slowly they faded away as the sea arrived. The people on the beach looked like ants scattered on the yellow sand. The sea looked calm, quite opposite to its nature, with a few white dots in between. I couldn’t stop myself from imagining them to be dolphins, merrily diving in and out. The serenity of the sea evoked both, joy and gloominess inside me. I could feel the tears welling up again inside me, yet I was uncertainly happy. Water has the power to evoke many feelings inside people I believe. Feelings that are very strong and passionate. A few ferry boats were spotted in the middle of the sea. It made me wonder how it would feel to be on the deck in the middle of water. The whole scene looked busy, yet calm and nonchalant. And as the Boeing continued its journey, everything faded into a blur of blue and white. Suddenly it felt that time had stopped for a while. There was a tranquility even in the plane’s clamor. It was a divine feeling. It felt like we were moving towards the sun, towards the light and maybe, towards the heaven, if it exists. All I could see through the window was a distinct line separating the blue strip of the sky and the fog which merged into the sea. The waves in the sea made it look like a crushed foil. We crossed the sea and came above the land. The contours looked beautiful. I spotted a gold patch in the water. It looked as if a gold flake had landed into the water, extravagant and exquisite. But it made me wonder if it was an oil spill. Water has an intense effect on me. I find it beautiful in any form, be it clean or dirty. And every time I find such a thing, I realize how in the worst moods, happiness can be found in the smallest of things.